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BBC World Questions heads to Poland


BBC World Questions heads to Poland

Jonny Dymond chairs as leading politicians debate questions put to them by the audience in Warsaw, Poland…

BBC World Questions comes to Warsaw on Tuesday 6 February to bring together leading figures and the public to discuss the issues that matter most to the people of Poland.

Gwenan Roberts, Commissioning Editor, BBC World Service English:

“We are thrilled to bring World Questions to Poland during a significant time for the country and honoured to record our debate at the historic Royal Castle. I look forward to hearing from the Polish public in what is sure to be an interesting and timely discussion.”

The BBC World Service programme, which puts people and their questions at the heart of the debate, will be recorded from the historic Royal Castle in Warsaw, where the first Constitution of Poland was signed.

As a new government takes power in Poland, the world sees a sudden cultural change. Politicians are arrested in the Presidential Palace, protests gather on the street, and there are sackings within the state broadcaster. The new government claims democracy is being rebuilt. Is that right? Or is the President right when he says it is being violated?

There have been years of friction with the European Union but now the former President of the European Council is Poland’s Prime Minister. Will better EU relations bring a boost to Poland or a threat to its way of life? With February marking two years since the start of the war in Ukraine, there is much to debate.

Jonny Dymond chairs as leading politicians debate questions suggested entirely by the audience at the Royal Castle in Warsaw. The Panel comprises of Mateusz Morawiecki, MP – Former Prime Minister of Poland, Vice President of PiS, The Law and Welfare Party, Senator Magdelena Biejat – Deputy Marshal of the Senate, Co-leader of Razem, Together Party, Agnieszka Pomaska, MP – Vice Chair of the European Union Affairs Committee, Member of the National Board of Civic Platform Party and Krzysztof Bosak, MP – Deputy Marshal of the Sejm, Co-leader of the Confederation and Independence Party

The programme will be recorded in front of a live audience on Tuesday 6 February. No public tickets are remaining for this recording.

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